Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Best Coffee to use for Smoothie Recipes

The best coffee beans to use for smoothie recipes that taste similar to your everyday coffee. Another favorite is french vanilla coffee which makes great tasting coffee smoothie recipes because of its lighter, sweeter taste. For exotic coffee lovers, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee beans produce a great tasting coffee that when transferred to a coffee smoothie recipe produces a great tasting drink.

A nice and Best Coffee Smoothie Recipes to in try! Way make MOCHA COCONUT FRAPPUCCINO as follows:

Coffee Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients for make Coffee Smoothie :

Three to Four - tablespoons instant coffee powder
One-cup milk (nonfat okay)
One-cup vanilla frozen yogurt
One-cup frozen bananas

Preparation :

Pour liquid ingredients into the blender first. Yogurt is a liquid ingredient. Add bananas. Put cover on and blend until smooth.

Homemade Coffee Smoothie

Made With Brewed and Chilled Coffee

This smoothie is great when you have leftover coffee sitting around from early in the morning. You can also keep any leftover brewed coffee in the fridge in an airtight container and use it in smoothies for the next couple of days.

Ingredients for make Homemade Coffee Smoothie:

One-1/2 cups of coffee chilled
One-tsp of sugar
Six-ice cubes
One-banana cut into chunks

Put everything into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more sugar if needed and enjoy right away. For a different twist on this recipe, use flavored syrup instead of sugar to sweeten the smoothie.

One-cup of coffee chilled
One-tsp of sugar, honey, or chocolate syrup( to flavor to yoru liking)
One-banana cut into chunks
1/2 cup of whole milk

Blend the milk, coffee and bananas until there is a smoothe texture. Taste to see if it is to your liking, add the sugar or honey and blend until desired flavor. Simple, quick and easy

Non Dairy Coffee Smoothie Recipe

This recipe is for a non dairy coffee smoothie.

One-1/2 cups of coffee chilled
One-tsp of sugar, honey, or chocolate syrup( to flavor to your liking)
Six-ice cubes1 banana cut into chunks

Blend the coffee with ice cubes and banana till a well blended texture is formed. Add the sweetener if preferred and continue blending. For those who would rather add an ingredient like Coffee Mate, this can be done before hand in the coffee itself.

Starbucks Coffee Smoothie Recipe

One-bottle of your favorite Starbucks Coffee
One-banana cut into chunks
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
Six-ice cubes

Blend the Starbucks Coffee, ice cream, and banana first until well blended. One-cup of milk may also be added pr 6 ice cubes for a slushy texture. Because Starbucks Coffee is usually already flavored well, no extra sweeteners is needed.

And ready to enjoyed. survivors try. Don't forget visited to for update recipe all kind coffee.